Shipping Process:

Initiate Your Classic Car Shipment

Once you’ve selected your dream classic car, reach out to our dedicated sales team at 765-358-7250 or to begin the shipping process. Please provide the make, model, and vehicle identification number of your chosen classic car, along with the delivery address.

Receive Detailed Shipping Estimate

Our shipping specialists will swiftly furnish you with a comprehensive shipping estimate, encompassing shipping method, transit time, and associated costs. Rely on us for competitive rates and a network of trusted carriers, ensuring the safe and timely delivery of your classic car.

Confirm Payment and Shipping Details

Upon approval of the shipping estimate and completion of your purchase, our team takes immediate action. Expect a confirmation email containing shipping details, including the carrier’s information, scheduled pick-up date, and anticipated delivery date.

Classic Car Inspection and Preparation

Before shipping, our meticulous team conducts a thorough inspection and prepares your classic car for transit. This includes securing loose parts, protecting delicate components, and ensuring proper loading and weight distribution.

Track Your Shipment

Stay informed throughout your classic car’s journey with regular updates and real-time tracking information. Our team is available to address any inquiries or concerns you may have during the shipping process.

Shipping Methods:

Choose from a variety of shipping methods tailored to your requirements:

  1. Classic Car Transporters
  2. Enclosed Trailers
  3. Open Car Carriers

Trust us to deliver your classic car securely, meeting your unique shipping needs.